Replica Monuments

We replicate old tombstone styles and artwork found in cemeteries. Our clients ask for replicas because they prefer artwork or need to duplicate artwork or a headstone that is in a family plot. We also manufacture modern replica headstones often to match the style and artwork of an existing headstone seen in a cemetery.

Examples of replica headstones are pillow style (Barnum Seeley), hickeys (Wheatley) or old antique style slants (Mason Hartmann). Raised letters are hand carved with a small chisel. Rounded, clipped and gothic fonts are used to create raised lettering. Raised letters are carved using Roman fonts too.

In addition, we fabricate other style tombstones such as round tops, roof and apex top monuments. Round top tombstones were common in the early 19th century. Apex and roof top tombstones were common the early to mid 20th century.

Marble round top tombstones have letters that are slightly raised and rounded. Some round top tombstones have beautiful trim that looks very similar to features you would see on a modern countertop such as a full bull-nose edge. We can produce all the features of an antique round tombstone in marble or grey granite.

Apex and roof top monument often present with raised lettering or a steeled panel with v-cut lettering. While the material traditional used was Westerly or Quincy granite; we fabricate in grey granite.

For all replica projects we need a photograph of the existing tombstone or headstone sent to us via email at We may want to examine the headstone in person as well.

For more information and our replica tombstone portfolio, please click the link below:

Replica Monuments, Hickeys, Pillows and Antique Slant Portfolio
